Carnival of New Jersey Bloggers #41

Welcome to the Carnival of New Jersey Bloggers #41
Ok, everyone is probably wondering just what the heck is going on. Well, I'm not even that sure, but this is the fourty first Carnival of New Jersey Bloggers, and welcome. What the Carnival aims to do is to give some exposure to other local blogs you might have not found otherwise. Each week a new blog will host the carnival by posting up a series of links provided by other NJ bloggers. I'm sure you all get the point.
Just Added
Let me give this one more shot.
Enlighten-New Jersey discusses Federal Spending.
On the sociopolitical front, Jay Lassiter of Lassiter Space takes a virtual trip to Dubai.
Gil at Virtual Memories provides us with an interesting perspective on the Genome.
Jersey Goddess Nordette (now turned real estate goddess?) provided this link. I'm not even going to try to characterize this one.
Roberto at DynamicBuzz put up a very good piece on eminent domain in NJ.
The Jersey Tomato saw Billy Joel at MSG.
Tequila Shots for the Soul writes a handful of open letters. Very funny, worth the stop.
Dossy talks about Willy Nelson's new Cowboy Tune.
Debbie and Rich from "Down the Shore" invite you down for Pinball Fever.
Debbie Galant of Baristanet fame has a new novel out, Rattled, that looks to be getting some rave reviews. For those real-estate diehards, it's got McMansions and dishonest real estate developers as well, so you won't feel so left out.
Janet at The Art of Getting takes a look at the pop culture of teen stars.
Steven Hart over at the The Opinion Mill talks about a popular topic this week, politics, in particular a certain Wanker, John Dickerson.
Jeffery at The Contrarian gives us yet another perspective on the Port fiasco.
Real Estate
Real Estate Flipper Tom at Digital Breakfast has another installment in his series, 3 Alarm Fire!
Ken takes a hard look at the New Jersey School Construction Corporation at his blog, Smadanek.
Sharon mulls over the Transportation Trust Fund at the Center of NJ Life.
Paul at NJ Fiscal Folly says the underfunded budget is much worse than advertised.
Jay from Lassiter Space covers the New Jersey Supreme Court hearing Gay Marriage
Jim Testa at Jersey Beat rocks out with a piece on Steve Wynn
Joe over at Joe's Journal debunks some myths on Ethanol vehicles.
Tom Evslin shows you how to get your hands on the big VC bucks over at Fractals of change. Brings back memories of the roarin' 90's, you know, when we spent millions on parties to celebrate the fact that we purchased a domain name. Business plan? What? Sorry, we were busy working on the menu and buying Porsches.
Lynne gets her piano tuned at Shamrocketship. I'm not sure what else to say about this one, yet for some reason I'm compelled to read.
Ciao Pietro! Pietro at Mano a Vino Montclair takes you to Sicily. Unfortunately, it will leave you both hungry and thirsty.
Noreen discusses sexist remarks at her blog, Roderma.
Matt at The Daily Doormat has a great little bit for husbands that want to keep their wives in-check. That was a joke, however as we speak my wife is modifying that contract to suit me.
Tata at Poor Impulse control has something going on with Cats and Jello. You know it's really difficult to write a little something about every one of these.
Dimitri at Cobweb Studios shoots Eye Candy
Sorry if I missed anyone who sent me a link. Blogger seems to have an issue saving drafts and I lost quite a bit of work more than once.
Caveat Emptor!
Oh, well, too bad that old nasty Blogger interface isn't working well with saving drafts. It's given me trouble too over the past few weeks. And I was all ready to plug this week's carnival as we're supposed to do when included, not that you need it because real estate is a hot topic, and then I was going to let you know that I just got my shiny new NJ real estate license and am going with ReMax. Good job with the list though. Perhaps Blogger will get around to working out the bug.
Oh well.....I guess I was one of the ones left on the cutting room floor. Frustrating. Perhaps we should use only non-Blogger sites for this important Carnival.
I invite you all to visit Down the Shore for some Pinball Fever......
"I just got my shiny new NJ real estate license and am going with ReMax."
Hey, hope you stick around and share your thoughts on any real estate trends you observe.
There was no cutting room floor. If I missed any links post them up here and I'll move them over to the main page.
Glad you got your kinks worked out, Grim. ;-) I know my post is nutty. Wanted to do belly dancing but ran out of time.
Jersey Goddess
Good job! Thanks for hosting.
rofl. I know it was unintentional, but you turned the name of my blog into something that sounds like a skin disease :) Serves me right for trying to have a retro-latin origin blog name :) but the link worked fine. thanks for this week's carnival
Wow. Funny how one thing leads to another.
I clicked on the flipper blog link (Digital Breakfast?) and was led to a flipper blog in my own part of the world.
This guy gives a blow by blow account of his property transactions from buy to flip. The really wierd thing is he doesn't seem to be making much money at it. His profits seem teeny and it's not clear to me yet that he's even figuring in all of his expenses.
This RE thing is getting more and more surreal. Are people starting to believe they're making profits even when they're really not?
Check it out and see what you think:
I found myself feeling scared as I read his blog. And yet he seems to be very contented!
**Jersey Goddess**-
Yes, please!! Give us the inside dope now that you're officially in the game.
Hmmm...mine was lost as well! Grumble...
And I very carefully did something about NJ for a change!!!
Perhaps you didn't receive our email on Sunday. These are the posts you left out of the Carnival:
Blog: Kate Spot
Blog: Right, Wing-Nut!
Blog: The Eternal Golden Braid
Blog: New Jersey For Change
Blog: Did I say that out loud?
thanks for hosting, you threw a lot of traffic my way. it's amazing that you managed to pull it off in spite of blogger's woes that day. (which i was experiencing too:D)
Thanks again
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